Monday, February 12, 2007


Went to Sg Buloh with LaundryApOh to buy potted plants & flowers for CNY and also for my house. ApOh likes to go there to buy plants, in fact her house can be a nursery leow but she still wants to buy somemore! *fainted*

I told her, she has to lead the way as I absolutely do not know the way around that area. ApOh is a person who can get agitated very easily, so must prewarn her that I REALLY don't know the way. She said ya ya it's near the Sg Buloh Hospital one, very easy.

Then as we were approaching that place, she was like quite blur leh! Then suddenly I saw the sighboard indicating turn left to Sg Buloh Hospital so I double checked with her, and she was like not too sure but asked me to turn anyway! Good thing there were many signboards indicating the way to the hospital so we found the hospital. She kept saying it's right after the hospital and when we saw the hospital leow, she blur again! Warao, so stressful to drive her around!

Anyway, we found a place to park the car on the side of the road and started shopping for our plants. Wah really "people mountain people sea" (so many people) at that place choosing the many varieties of flowers. I managed to buy some but not as much as ApOh of course. I bought more practical plants, like more greens...something easy to plant la! Notice the red plants in one row? They cost only RM10 for 4! Nice hor???

Then after that I started decorating my pussy willow cos I don't think the buds will open up on time for CNY. So I twisted the cherry blossoms and tied red ribbons on them. Wah took me a few hours to do that! Laundry easier to do la!


Wennn said...

Wahhhhh got new year feel liao... Hmmmm how I wish I am bek home!!!!!! Here damn boring leh!! Everyday I come up and read all those posts on CNY makes me heartache la.... Here oni work work and work... sienzzzzz

etceteramommy said...

Nice nice.. but the vase kinda a bit small hor..

Desperate Mummy said...

Actually hor I also plan to put the CNY flowers but I scared my girl will itchy hand.

Oscar's Mommy said...

hehe, Apoh ma... luckily she good mood yesterday. shld have follow you to buy the pussy willow la... nice...

Sasha Tan said...

amah why u follow me . I also dress up my pussy willow like dat. Hahahaha joking la

Anonymous said...

Aisey!! come Sg Buloh why no call me.

Annie Q said...

Wish u & ur family Happy chinese new year & Gong xi fa chai!!!!

WMD: Wife, Mother, Daughter said...

Wow nice lah your willow plant. Happy Chinese New Year!!!Will be back in PJ tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I love your willow plant, but i cant decorate it this year due to some reason. anyway, gong xi fa chai to u first loh...

mom2ashley said...

ohh..i havent' even decorated my place for fact..I don't usually do :)

laundryamah said...

wenn-aiya come back la!

etc-eh u can see the vase meh? which one?

desmom-ya ya my girl was peeling as i was decorating..kept shooing her away!

oscarmom-aiya the willow not nice la, if nice i oso no need to decorate it lor..i think still have la in cheap nya

sasha-great minds think alike leh!! hahahaha

ace-eh call u to come help carry the plants ah? kakakaka

annie-Gong Xi Fa Cai

wmd-hey catch up ok??

lovelymom-nvm there's always next year

mom2ashley-actually i never decorate for CNY, usually for Christmas but new house i just saja la!

ZMM said...

Wow.. nice.. the plants you planted around your house.

My hubby wants to go and buy more plants as well.. I said better spend some time with your daugthers instead of spending so much time in the garden lar.

Mommy to Chumsy said... nice. Looks so CNY ;) Like your garden too. You have green fingers la.

jazzmint said...

wahh..ur pussy willow + blossoms very nice lehh...yah, the sg buloh place is the leprasy center place kekeke..very cheap to get plants :).

i didn't do much decor, bought a fake ong lai and hung it up..then told my girl, that's mommy ong lai LOL

LHS said... nice, very CNY feel LOL!