Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Problem with Wordpress also

Aiya so frustrating got problem there got problem...aiya cannot complain also la, cheap thing no good, free thing where got near good leh?? I like Blogspot cos can do alot of stuff but it's giving problems to my readers cos comments always gila-red and weird sites keep popping up. How leh??


Wennn said...

Amah: Wat happened la??? Why got problem??? No good meh? I see a lot of mommies also using wordpress wor.... anyway gong xi fa cai ah....

blurblur said...

I'm also in the midst of switching to wordpress...just can't seem to get it right...haha! Ya, free one cannot complain lah..:P

Here's wishing you and your family a very properous Piggy Year filled with good health and wealth! :)

Anonymous said...

Ask AhPek la, he terrer with wordpress wan.

Samm said...

Hi, thx for dropping by my blogs and commenting. Yeah, it's true thaty wp isnt the friendliest platform to date. And blogspot is still my favourite. But, u'll get used to it.. So, how was your CNY.


Anonymous said...

I heard from other mummies that WP got many problems, that's y i dont want to switch it it really so mans problem????

King's wife said...

So back to blogspot now?

I'm still getting used to wordpress also. I wouldn't say I love it but at least it is fast. Blogger takes forever to load sometimes.

laundryamah said...

hi all! blogspot for photos and other stuff and wordpress for comments! kakakaka...can ah?

NomadicMom said... that very the ma-fan isn't it???????

NomadicMom said... that very the ma-fan isn't it???????

Sasha Tan said...


Somebody said...

aduh..then where should i go for laundryamah blog at first leh?wordpress or blogspot?haha..