Friday, July 06, 2007
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Sorry to confuse some people, like so undecisive, no lar..please proceed to my new blog address from now on, but I will still upkeep this site for fun la...
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6:03 pm
Labels: Myself
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Problem with Wordpress also
Aiya so frustrating got problem there got problem...aiya cannot complain also la, cheap thing no good, free thing where got near good leh?? I like Blogspot cos can do alot of stuff but it's giving problems to my readers cos comments always gila-red and weird sites keep popping up. How leh??
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4:38 pm
Labels: Frustration
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Yes I'm migrating too....
Since everyone seems to be migrating, I OSO WANT! My new site will be...zheng zheng zheng..
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1:21 pm
Labels: Myself
Kena Tagged...O..gain...What Z-List
This came in from LovelyMummy. It's supposed to boost our incoming link counts. So, if you need more traffic and wanna increase your page rank, try this out!
Actually I've no idea what the tag is about and cannot see how it can boost traffic but do anyway la..hahahaha..
The premise is simple: Write a post, and copy and paste my list from below into it. Make sure the links are active and correct. If your blog is on that list, remove it because your post isn’t about self-promotion. Don’t worry, because if your name is on mine, it’s on others and will spread. Add your favourite deserving blogs to the top of the list (not compulsory). Publish the post. People will notice the incoming links, and hopefully write their own z-list posts. The result will be that we all get more links pointing to our blogs, and more readers - got to be good!
Key Points
1) Create a new post on your blog.
2) Copy and Paste the entire list of blog links below
3) Add any blogs that you want to include near the top of the list. (Optional)
4) Include the blog where you first got the list from, on the list in your post.
5) Do not include your own blog links on the list in your post.
6) Make sure that all links are copied intact.
7) Publish the Post.
The List:
My adds:
Baby Ryan Lim
Crumbs In Life
Cutie Princess Mummy
Mommy of 2 angles
Bubba Stuff
Originals :
Home Office Women
PabloPabla's Whatever
Make$ Money$
Owen of Ugh
Jules is Utterly Geek
Internet Serious Business
The Sabahan
Critical Thoughts
Carols Vault
Blog About Your Blog
Monetize Your Blog
Cosmin PTR
Make Money On The Net
Successful Online Money Making
Turn One Pound Into One Million$
Work at Home Blog
Blogging For Beginners
How to earn money online?
Dosh Dosh
Money Money Money
Money Making Quest
Connected Internet
Mike’s Money Making Mission
Time to Budget
Can I Make Big Money Online
Flee the Cube
Blogging Secret
Blogging to Fame
Million Dollar Experiment heads Down Under
Quest to make money on the internet
Kumiko’s Cash Quest
Calico Monkey
Internet Bazaar
Shotgun Marketing Blog
Customers Rock!
Being Peter Kim
Pow! Right Between The Eyes!
Billions With Zero Knowledge
Working at Home on the Internet
MapleLeaf 2.0
Two Hat Marketing
The Emerging Brand
The Branding Blog
Drew’s Marketing Minute
Golden Practices
Tell Ten Friends
Flooring the Consumer
Kinetic Ideas
Unconventional Thinking
The Copywriting Maven
Hee-Haw Marketing
Scott Burkett’s Pothole on the Infobahn
Multi-Cult Classics
Logic + Emotion
Branding & Marketing
Popcorn n Roses
On Influence & Automation
Servant of Chaos
Presentation Zen
Dmitry Linkov
John Wagner
Nick Rice
CKs Blog
Design Sojourn
Frozen Puck
The Sartorialist
Small Surfaces
Africa Unchained
Marketing Nirvana
Bob Sutton
¡Hola! Oi! Hi!
Shut Up and Drink the Kool-Aid!
Women, Art, Life: Weaving It All Together
Community Guy
Social Media on the fly
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10:27 am
1 drop-ins
Labels: Tag
Monday, February 12, 2007
Went to Sg Buloh with LaundryApOh to buy potted plants & flowers for CNY and also for my house. ApOh likes to go there to buy plants, in fact her house can be a nursery leow but she still wants to buy somemore! *fainted*
I told her, she has to lead the way as I absolutely do not know the way around that area. ApOh is a person who can get agitated very easily, so must prewarn her that I REALLY don't know the way. She said ya ya it's near the Sg Buloh Hospital one, very easy.
Then as we were approaching that place, she was like quite blur leh! Then suddenly I saw the sighboard indicating turn left to Sg Buloh Hospital so I double checked with her, and she was like not too sure but asked me to turn anyway! Good thing there were many signboards indicating the way to the hospital so we found the hospital. She kept saying it's right after the hospital and when we saw the hospital leow, she blur again! Warao, so stressful to drive her around!
Anyway, we found a place to park the car on the side of the road and started shopping for our plants. Wah really "people mountain people sea" (so many people) at that place choosing the many varieties of flowers. I managed to buy some but not as much as ApOh of course. I bought more practical plants, like more greens...something easy to plant la! Notice the red plants in one row? They cost only RM10 for 4! Nice hor???
Then after that I started decorating my pussy willow cos I don't think the buds will open up on time for CNY. So I twisted the cherry blossoms and tied red ribbons on them. Wah took me a few hours to do that! Laundry easier to do la!
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11:32 am
Friday, February 09, 2007
Belated Posts-Kids Sick
Two days ago Kylie was having high fever, in fact she was having fever for a few days ledi. But me busy ma, so LaundryApOh was helping out. Then Kieran started his cough again so we had to go back to new home as my maid left his puff medicine there!
So, dinner was simple, homemade pizza. As I was getting ready the pizza, had the maid to shower Kieran and he was screaming like as if he was being slaughtered due to leg pain. He was telling me his leg was very painful in the car but I didn't pay much attention.
I went about with my cooking, not realising that Kylie was sitting quietly by herself! (this is not normal, as she is not able to sit quietly by herself!) After putting the pizza in the oven, I walked out and finally noticed Kylie sitting down looking so miserable. Touched her forehead and it was burning!! Panic like mad and didn't think, checked her temperature which was 38deg + and quickly fed her paracetamol and then sponged her. After a while, I tested her temperature again and it went up to 40deg +!!! OMG! I was terrified as my place is far away from our usual paed! So I gave her a call to check if it's ok to give her the suppository since I've given her the paracetamol like just 15 minutes ago but she was busy with other patients. I never felt so desperate in my life (besides the time I was giving birth to Kieran). Finally I managed to talk to the doc and she advised me to get a stronger fever med from the pharmacy but I was like huh? Pharmacy in my area may not have a pharmacist on duty leh, it was like 9.15pm leow wor! So she told me there are 2 paeds clinics in my area and I immediately packed the kids in the car and sped off.
As I was driving I quickly called the a friend living in this area to ask him the exact location of the paed to avoid having to circle around looking for it but he didn't pick up. Called a second person (my customer) and she didn't pick up either! she was thinking I was calling to chase her for payment. So, no choice la, circled around and found one but it was like closed! *SCREAM!!!!!* Then went to look for the other and found the shutter down halfway! Ran in and almost begged on my knees for them to not close and see my girl first! The receptionist was not happy but she said ok after seeing the desperation in my face! They gave her the suppository and it was like magic, within a few minutes she was the same ol'hyper Kylie! Thank God! She had white spots in her throat pulak! So that explains the high fever.
Anyway, her fever subisded very fast after the medication the doc administered and she was her normal active self playing again. Then only I noticed Kieran was sobbing quietly. I then decided to let him see the doc too. All these while I didn't realise his pain was so serious until the doc showed me the wound and explained what could have happened. I felt so terrible, so I decided not to take the photo of his bad la me..sorry my darling...
And throughout this drama...where was Apah?? OverF^$&&g seas!
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4:45 pm
Labels: Children
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Why all come at the same time one?
Been very busy lately, but still must take time to read my fave blogs and do this post, if not friends lari kuat kuat lor! (run away fast fast). Had visitors from overseas since Saturday so have been out like morning to night, day work nite entertaining la! It was not bad and I did enjoy myself but then another visitor came from another country on Monday pulak! So got to entertain. Hubby has been away overseas at this time and will only be back this Wednesday, so kids have been with LaundryApOh.
Then Kylie was down with fever yesterday, and Kieran left his homework in my office and this really stressed ApOh out but I can't do anything cos I was stuck at the seminar ma. Then I promised to pick Kieran up from school at least so I can see him and Kylie before I go out again.
Me-Mummy got to go out again tonight..
Me-Yes darling, mummy got to go dinner with uncle who makes the washing machines for mummy to sell
K-Who is he? Why?
Me-You got to be good boy ok, please do your homework yourself
K-hmmph....(sulking behind)
Upon reaching home, I rushed in to freshen up a bit and got the maids to remove the stuff from my car and upon going back to the car, I heard a sobbing sound...
K-(crouched in the front seat floor & holding on to my mobile) Daddy!!!....wail... Daddy!!! wail.......Daddy!! Come backkk.....wail.....sob...sob...
Me-Kieran! Why you use my phone again?? (very angry cos he used my phone to call his friend's father's phone last week!) Give it back to me!
Ok sorry la, he was like wailing like so "chi leong" (pathetic) liddat but I still scolded him. After I got in the car, I felt sorry for him cos both parents were not around for the past few days and he was under lots of pressure in school....
Sigh....Anyway, here's a Mandarin song he learned in school, not bad for a blur blur boy!
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11:01 am
Labels: Children
Friday, February 02, 2007
Maid From Hell
The past few days the maid actually made me scream, as in scream at the top of my lungs and all hell break loose type. As it is, her work load is not that heavy, I do a lot of my own laundry, and she has been ironing for a year with a steam iron which is the dobi type, better than any steam irons anyone can get from electrical shops in the market, and yet "bergaris-garis" (with lines & folds)and looks worse than before it's been ironed!
She's disobedient and likes to challenge and test my patience when I instruct her to do something, she will like to determine at her own pace and time despite me telling her that I want it done immediately. Her classic answer is "nanti la" (wait la). I said no, now but she is stubborn enough to do something else even if it's a short thing, she will still do it first before doing what I tell her to do. Terrer leh! Eh liddat you think I can swallow and keep quiet ah? OF COURSE NOT LEH! I shout at her la! Ask nicely don't do wor...doesn't that annoy you? Don't give me bull story that she's just a maid and her pay is so low, cannot expect miracles from who is asking for a miracle? I just ask her to do a simple task like any other normal maid should do leh, CANNOT AH? WTF!
I know she's been very cincai with even Kylie nowadays, I used to think, aiya other work lauya (no good) nevermind, but Kylie's things must be good. But then now I noticed Kylie is always dirty and her diaper gets so heavy until almost reaching the floor. Eh liddat can tahan (acceptable)ah?
The only thing I can depend on her is the cooking also with supervision and instructions, and still occasionally make me scream. How la???
Psst..I oso can't get in my comments wor..dunno what happened leh
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4:50 pm
Labels: Maid
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Sticky Kid
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2:59 pm
Labels: Children
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Emotional Time
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2:48 pm